CS373 Blog Oct 26- Nov 1

Anish Yellaturu
3 min readNov 2, 2020
  1. What did you do this past week?

This last week has been a bit tumultuous, despite essentially being a return to the grind. The two classes in which I have projects (this one and CS354R: Game Technology) once again are the ones that are taking up the majority of my time. However, there was a very recent development in the latter class, as groups got swapped around right before a milestone, so I ended up in a new group. They were more than accepting, but nevertheless it took some adjusting to try and get used to a totally new project, as well as completely new teammates (I suppose an optimist would see it as a chance to make more friends, hoho!).

2. What’s in your way?

As I said, I’ve been trying to adjust to a new project and workflow on the fly, so that’s been a bit stressful. The IDB1 project has been going all right, but there’s always more work to do. I’ve also been busy puzzling over what classes to take for the spring semester, I think I’ll decide on that tomorrow.

3. What will you do next week?

As always, deadlines are approaching, so it’s back to crunching on the projects whose due dates are coming up. I’ll also be registering for the spring; there’s a few classes I have my eyes on.

4. If you read it, what did you think of The Interface Segregation Principle?

I did read it. Frankly, I found it bewildering. The idea that when implementing multiple interfaces (or something along those lines), one should try to decouple them to avoid creating a fat or polluted class is reasonable enough. But the specific implementations confused me: the author cited a multiple inheritance solution as his preference, but I always thought multiple inheritance was dangerous, as a rule of thumb. And it’s certainly easy to see why: the moment the inherited classes have contradictions or overlapping stuff, the code falls apart.

5. What was your experience of instance methods, class methods, static methods, regular expressions, and relational algebra? (this question will vary, week to week)

The various ways methods work depending on their type never fails to be something I need a refresher on, so this was always helpful to have. Regex is very useful when wielded right, but the learning curve is a bit steep. Now, relational algebra was something I’ve been learning in my databases class, so that was something I had a grasp of.

6. What made you happy this week?

We didn’t do anything for Halloween in terms of candy or parties, but we did order food from a restaurant, so that was a nice change of pace. (I know, I know, not very exciting…)

7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Reading the man pages is something pretty much every mac/linux user should be aware of, but it is still something useful to keep in mind, as it recently came up for me.

